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Gellman said the Post would not make any guarantees and sought the government's views about whether the information would harm national security. The Post eventually agreed to publish a small sample of what Snowden was offering, but Snowden backed away, writing that, "I regret that we weren't able to keep this project unilateral," Gellman wrote.
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S. according to Major Michelle Lai a spokeswoman for the 89th Airlift Wing Lai said there are several such planes parked at Andrews now because of the ongoing UN meeting“Normally their aircraft will drop off the heads of state at the given location and they’ll position here and wait until the summit ends” she said “It’s for security in general It’s easier to provide security on an Air Force installation for any foreign aircraft than it is at a commercial airport”Whatever the justification given there is no reason why this plane could not be kept at a secure airfield far away from the nation’s capital It simply defies belief that a genocidal tyrant is allowed to have his plane parked on the same runway as the president of the United States After all this is a man who has actively backed the killing of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and is hell-bent on turning his rogue regime into a nuclear weapons-armed power What kind of message does this send to other enemies of the United StatesThis raises all kinds of security concerns ? Iran is the world’s biggest state sponsor of international terror Ahmadinejad has also spent the week threatening to “eliminate” Israel from the face of the earth and spinning conspiracy theories about the 9/11 terrorist attacks while condemning the killing of Osama bin Laden Here’s what he had to say at the UN on 9/11:If the tragic incident of September 11 and the military actions against Afghanistan and Iraq that left millions killed and homeless had not happened and if instead of killing and throwing the culprit into the sea without trial or without informing the world and people of America an independent fact-finding team had been formed to make the general public aware of the truth behind the incident and prepare for bringing to justice the perpetratorsMahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cohorts should never have been allowed into the US in the first place He could easily have been denied a visa by the State Department and completely isolated on the world stage The revelation that his plane has been parked at an air force baseused bythe president of the United States will spark outrage and revulsion It is bad enough that Ahmadinejad has been spreading his poison in the halls of the UN But for his aircraft to be housed at a major military air base when he has the blood of American soldiers on his hands simply beggars beliefIt's the point David Willetts made in his compelling book The Pinch: How the babyboomers took their childrens' future ? and why they should give it back.What else do we learn from the attack on Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall Obama receives a striking 56 per cent disapproval rating. not to mention widespread concern over his health care and immigration policies." Mr Balls would say that his politics are direct. such enthusiasm to the game of opposition that I can't help but wonder whether all that energy might be just the thing to save Labour from the doldrums. that only 21 percent of likely voters think the United States “has a clearly defined mission in Libya”, on the economy 60 percent of Americans disapprove of his performance, from 50.
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This script written by Shintaro Wakayama.